onsdag 5 april 2023

Guillory igen

John Guillory har gett ut en ny bok, något han verkar ägna sig åt med tjugo-trettio års mellanrum. Professing Criticism är på sätt och en vis en uppföljare till Cultural Capital från 1993, ett verk som man skulle önska att alla litteraturvetare hade läst istället för att under trettio års tid bolla runt de outvecklade påståenden som han tar upp till prövning. Den nya boken diskuterar på ett mer allmänt plan problem vad gäller litteraturvetenskapens professionalisering, bland annat paradoxen att dess avskärmning från den större publiken och koncentration till den inomakademiska dito (det slutliga resultatet av professionaliseringen) samexisterar med en överdriven och förvrängd bild av det egna ämnets relevans (att rädda världen). Guillory är inte någon konservativ kulturkritiker, och hans politiska inställning tycks inte avvika från den vänsternorm som dominerar på amerikanska litteraturinstitutioner. Skillnaden är att han tänker längre och har en realistisk, lite kylig syn på hur saker och ting fungerar. Här finns mycket att lära även för den svenska litteraturvetenskapen, som i lika hög grad har behov av att fundera över den egna självförståelsen och vilken plats man egentligen kan fylla i det moderna universitetet (för att inte tala om den moderna medieekologin): vad är egentligen kärnan i det vi gör? Längs vägen i den lite splittrade boken tar han upp några av sina gamla tankar i en ny situation, präglad av tankar på att "decolonize the curriculum":

In my department, the urgency of curricular reform was also expressed in an idiom analogous to that of pastoral care, as in the notion that students need to “see themselves in the curriculum.” This notion, which has become a commonplace, raises interesting questions about how identification enters into the transmission of literature. Identification in this context refers chiefly to the category of the author, with whom readers are assumed to identify according to gender, race, or other concepts of identity.

Problematically, works of earlier literature do not lend themselves easily to these identifications, both because literacy was rare in earlier societies and because categories of identity change over time. Identification also describes the response of readers to characters in stories, though this is precluded for some forms of literature, mainly poetry, which often does not have characters as such. Most importantly, the senses in which works of literature function as a kind of mirror for readers or groups of readers is greatly complicated by the changing demographic constitution of society itself, which at any historical moment does not correspond to the subset of the reading public, or of college students. These are conditions that need to be acknowledged before we can begin to think about the relation between identity categories and the process of identification in readers.


The language of pastoral care implicit in the notion that students should “see themselves” in the curriculum echoes our students’ own idiom of judgment, especially the notion that works of literature should be “relatable.” This sense of the word appeared in colloquial English only a few decades ago; it betrays the extent to which reading belongs to the domain of commodity consumption. Embedded in this tangle of desires and expectations is a discrepancy between what students see as relatable and what my colleagues see as their demand for representation. For my colleagues, it is principally underserved or excluded minorities who want to “see themselves” in the canon, and curricular reform should proceed accordingly. But in addition to the fact that many students belong to “majority” categories of identity, the very fact of the diversity of minority students vexes the aim of constructing the curriculum in a mirror relation to demographics. Only contemporary literature has any chance of representing real-world diversity, with obvious implications for the distribution in the curriculum between older and contemporary works. Even if this problem of representation were solvable, it would still be doubtful that the desire of our students to see themselves in what we ask them to read would be gratified. Most of our students (and many minority students as well) express desires in their reading that connect most immediately with their cultural formation as young people, “American” by birth, with adolescent issues and uncertain job prospects. These identities are most likely to be reflected in the genre of “young adult fiction” (or “YA,” as publishers know it), which makes up a large part of their pleasure reading and increasingly a large part of the secondary school curriculum.      


 I continue to believe that teaching students how to read literature that is not immediately relatable to their self-identification is one of the most important things we do. The balance between identification and critical distance is hard to maintain, a high-wire act. We want our students to become engaged by what is other, including persons who are different from themselves, but more than that, we want them to become engaged by whole worlds of otherness and irreducible difference. If the works of non- European or non-American authors can look forbiddingly unrelatable to some of our students, as we discovered in my department when we began to offer courses in postcolonial and world Anglophone subjects, so also do the works of earlier literature, coming from, as the historians like to remind us, a country as foreign as any currently to be found on the planet. There is no lack of difference in the literature of the past; figures who offer themselves for identification are harder to find there, however, and sometimes only seem to be like us."

Igenkänningsfaktorn är hög, logiken oemotsäglig och den humanistiska ambitionen lovvärd. Det kan ibland finnas anledningar att revidera litteraturlistor, men man ska vara på det klara med att det om det inte sker på mer sofistikerade grunder än den "imaginära politik" som Guillory beskriver hos sina kolleger, kommer det att ske till priset av en drastisk inskränkning av litteraturbegreppet, och en försvagad känsla för såväl historia som för kulturella skillnader överhuvudtaget.  


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